Welcome to our Help Center.

Our Help Center is designed to give you a place to get the information you need to be effective at using our site.

You can find information by browsing the sections and categories on the left hand dropdown menu (top if you have a very small screen)

We appreciate any feedback regarding the design of the help center, or new bits of information to add, including tutorials; You can open a ticket with us at any time.


There are a few methods of contact for getting a hold of us. 

First, if you have an account, you can use our ticket system for issues related to rigs/rentals or refunds, or any other issue you have. Note that we can only process refunds through our ticket system.
Don't hesitate to open a ticket with us if you need help with any issue or want to get in contact with us for any reason.

If you don't have an account or want another method:

Join our Discord channel https://discord.gg/wFMSbcK
We respond quickly on discord, tag @admin. Don't ask to ask a question, just ask! Include other information relevant to your question beforehand if possible.

You can find us idling on IRC chat on freenode at #miningrigrentals (discord is better though.)

Support Email: support@miningrigrentals.com

Our Bitcointalk thread MiningRigRentals

Twitter: @miningrigrental

Facebook: miningrigrentals

Tumblr: miningrigrentals


Who are we:
Mining Rig Rentals, LLC Owners: (Randy) cncr04s, (Daniel) merc
We are based in the United States.

Business, Media, Advertising, Cryptocurrency-mining related: Email our Support Email, we may then refer you to the proper contact email depending on the situation.
We're open for the sale of ad space on our rig listing page, or other promotionional details if the situation benifits both of us.