Rent This Rig
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Rig Information
No active threads
Note: Be weary of rigs who state they only work with a specific pool.
GPU: 28x dual Gigabyte R9 290
PSU: FSP Raider 750W
MB: Asrock B75M GL R2.0
RAM: 2GB Kingston 1600MHz
OS: Debian
WAN: 100/100 Mbit/s
You can check my rig quality at .
Rent time will be extended if there are performance or connectivity issues. Chance: <0.01%
Things to ask yourself:
Are BTC prices going to go up in the next few days? Are you going to profit from this low cost contract that is going off less than current market rates?
Do you forecast high profitability days?
Do you want to mine IPO/new low diff coins that aren't on the exchange yet and could be worth a fortune but don't have the rig for it?
This is the contract for you! Do not hesitate!
GPU: 28x dual Gigabyte R9 290
PSU: FSP Raider 750W
MB: Asrock B75M GL R2.0
RAM: 2GB Kingston 1600MHz
OS: Debian
WAN: 100/100 Mbit/s
You can check my rig quality at .
Rent time will be extended if there are performance or connectivity issues. Chance: <0.01%
Things to ask yourself:
Are BTC prices going to go up in the next few days? Are you going to profit from this low cost contract that is going off less than current market rates?
Do you forecast high profitability days?
Do you want to mine IPO/new low diff coins that aren't on the exchange yet and could be worth a fortune but don't have the rig for it?
This is the contract for you! Do not hesitate!