ComRig2n | 6x NVIDIA GTX1070ti 8GB | Equihash (144,5)/ZHash
Equihash 144,5 (ZHash)0h/s
5min avg0.00h/s
15min avg0.00h/s
30min avgRent This Rig
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Rig Information
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Note: Be weary of rigs who state they only work with a specific pool.
This rig is built with 6 NVIDIA GPU (Gigabyte GeForce GTX1070ti 8GB Gaming) and it's hashing 24/7 since 2017.
It runs RainbowMiner on Windows 10, using many up-to-date mining software.
It is monitored by BrucoMining service and crash protected by BrucoWatchdog.
This rig is idle and will activate itself immediately as you rent it.
Rental will be extended automatically if low average hashrate is detected.
It runs RainbowMiner on Windows 10, using many up-to-date mining software.
It is monitored by BrucoMining service and crash protected by BrucoWatchdog.
This rig is idle and will activate itself immediately as you rent it.
Rental will be extended automatically if low average hashrate is detected.